Jun 29, 2012

Faking in Facebook

Its with sympathy that I write this blog. In matter of minutes a brand is getting hyped or destroyed on facebook and other social networking sites. Today I came across a poster on FB shared by my friends. Take a look for yourself.
Well on searching NDTV & Google News for the authenticity of this message, the results were surprisingly shocking. There is absolutely no News like this. Here take a look.

Here is my take. If people online who are "well educated" goes about posting fake information online, I have no idea were it will take us to. Today in marketing we believe that Word of Mouth is the most powerful . Imagine your best friend posting an image like this. It will take just 15 minutes to erode the brand value of something like Frooti which it took a painful 30 plus years to create.

I request people online to behave more responsibly. Passing around such fake news , erodes the trust in a product and brand. Imagine if some one does this to you. Doctoring of images and events online is a childs play and it could happen to you as well.

Lets not be naive while we post something online. Verify before you trust.