Well once you start entering a corridor, you are usually cheered from behind, but when you start walking the sounds become faint and the only sound that you hear is the sound of your heart beat. Its kind of eerie, and well here and there you find a picture or two, mostly of people whom you don't recognize.
A day came to me, when I was told , Mr., 'Walk'. A dilemma started and all corridors looked equally scary. I looked around, but there wasn't any one in sight. But on the far left hand corridor I saw this inscription :
Stranger, You Aint Alone,
The Routes Aint Dark,
Thy Mind, is your Friend
Thy heart is is your Enemy.
On the Right End yet another Inscription read as follows :
Stranger, You are Alone,
The Routes are Dark,
Thy Mind, is your Enemy
Thy heart is is your Friend.
I was baffled at this opposites and sat down and re read all the Eight lines. I some how was puzzled at the logic. but I was sure there is some meaning to all this. Maybe I should put them together..
And here is what I found, These are inscribed just to confuse your mind. We come across many Situations where our heart and Mind speaks differently. For Example, I love that Guy, But He is not financially Stable.
When Choosing the corridor, is to question your mind, convince him to be a friend.
A situation will come when mind has no answer, for example - Why Do I Love him ? Don't go for your mind to answer such questions . Trust your heart, its usually always right. But listen to it carefully, cause when you start walking through the corridor, remember you ll hear only your heart beats, and don't be scared then.
This may look like no logic to you. well I just wrote it just understand myself..
anyways, Thanks for reading till Here.. see u !!
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