As I present this blog, I’m fully aware that this topic is of mediocre interest to most of us, as its repeatedly debated topic on all forums. But being a mute spectator does not in any way make a change… I am guilty about the fact that this is just being read by a fraction of the population coz internet is a relatively new media that’s still virgin in terms of connectivity with the masses..
Leave apart the flaws… I do not wish to remain silent…
The year is 1990, CNN has set up shop in India, bringing live footage of the gulf war… it was the days of DD; the only national network… People were appalled by the coverage and since it was a US network they painted themselves as saints and protector of democracy... Far from being democratic...I would say…
As I write this there are ‘media reports’ of differences in the Indian team that’s playing the world cup. I have a sense of déjàvu…would this be the repeat of Ganguly - Chappel story? The past few years have seen a sporadic growth electronic media primarily the TV channels; at current count there are nearly 40 exclusive news only channels in almost all languages including English. {At this juncture I believe most of us watch the so called national channels NDTV; CNN IBN; TIMES NOW; HEADLINES TODAY & AAJ TAK}
These channels are almost 24*7 providing only “flash news”; not the real picture . An internet article says during the 7 days after the death of a girl Aarushi; these channels combined devoted nearly 300 hours of air time to exclusively follow this story repeatedly interviewing the mother of the victim, uncle, lawyer and the went as far as ‘talking’ to the victims friends. Such blunt brutal and insensitive coverage lead to protest March by some students against the media. When quizzed about such insensitivity, all Mr. Rajdeep Sardesai had to say was “why shoot the messenger”. A question; does he really believe he is a messenger when all he does is exert pressure to give a sound byte so he can run the show for a couple of more hours.
When the Mumbai attacks happened if Barkha Dutt could have stopped ‘panning’ her camera to the Oberoi hotels and the surroundings--as the NSG puts it “we lost the element of surprise, because the terrorists used the television to watch the movement of troops” .
I am not here to blame a few, but on the contrary I have deep respect for both these journalist as they are icons in their own terms… these people have been instrumental in making news reach a wider society and have acted as the true agents of 4th estate when the brought out various issues. If one remembers; nearly a year before the Mumbai attacks NDTV ran a 2 hour investigation show pointing out how vulnerable the coastlines of the country were. If someone had paid a heed to it, may be 26/11 could have been prevented.
But when one looks at the larger picture don’t you think these people have caused us to live in constant fear. Have they not made a criminal out of a doctor? That profits matter, so sensationalism is a way out. That breaking news is as much as a sneeze by some actors. That privacy and exclusivity is only for them and not others.
I’m proud that news and media have been a great employment opportunity and is a growing sector. Yes they have encouraged us to speak up. But at times just like all of us catch flu, these people become insane at times. SO IS THERE A DOCTOR @ HOME??
P S: I am ending this blog with a question mark awaiting answers from you.
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