Jun 29, 2012

Faking in Facebook

Its with sympathy that I write this blog. In matter of minutes a brand is getting hyped or destroyed on facebook and other social networking sites. Today I came across a poster on FB shared by my friends. Take a look for yourself.
Well on searching NDTV & Google News for the authenticity of this message, the results were surprisingly shocking. There is absolutely no News like this. Here take a look.

Here is my take. If people online who are "well educated" goes about posting fake information online, I have no idea were it will take us to. Today in marketing we believe that Word of Mouth is the most powerful . Imagine your best friend posting an image like this. It will take just 15 minutes to erode the brand value of something like Frooti which it took a painful 30 plus years to create.

I request people online to behave more responsibly. Passing around such fake news , erodes the trust in a product and brand. Imagine if some one does this to you. Doctoring of images and events online is a childs play and it could happen to you as well.

Lets not be naive while we post something online. Verify before you trust. 

Feb 24, 2012

Madras Midnight Massacare

The midnight massacre of 5 men in their 30's came as a brutal shock. These men were suspected of doing robberies in couple of banks in Chennai during broad daylight. Incidentally, these men were identified from the CCTV footage grab generated. And the police got information at midnight from a source who identified one of the suspected men. And quickly our policemen moved into the house they were staying in a move to arrest them. It seems the suspects started firing and our dear policemen,went bullet crazy. These are the supposedly facts.

Lets do a dissection.

1. A cctv grab was circulated and a person identified one of the suspect at midnight. Though we cant deny this, I strongly suspect the quality of the CCTV footage, and I am surprised that these men were "identified" at midnight.

2. Our policemen known not to maintain traffic or common law and order problems, suddenly became a dynamic encounter team, is it not a tall claim that policemen at the middle of the night could kill 5 people in an encounter ?

3. I do support, effective policing, but not eradicating policing. Police under public pressure, went onto become killing machines. And in an an encounter its surprising that the policemen could get away with minor injuries.

4. Per se there is nothing technically wrong in an encounter, but this habit of mere eyewash and claims of fearless policing should only create fear the minds of people. This encounter was uncalled for, when people like Ms Kanimozhi and Mr Kalmadi or Raja are getting a second chance despite their "daylight robbery".

While I cant be a good critic without giving my suggestions, here goes mine.

1. Killing is a last resort. While if the police knew exactly the location of suspects, and these guys being no international terrorists, why dint the police use softer means such as making suspects unconscious using tear gas, rubber bullets or other means. At any cost, they were not using humans as shields. Better training needs to be provided to our policmen, to handle such robbery.

2. While technology has greatly improved things, prevention is better than cure, why shouldn metal detectors or other precautionary measures be taken in each bank.

3. Last but not the least, this entire encounter must be investigated, and law should have the last laugh.

Feb 9, 2012

Of relations and more…

This is a personal blog of my lessons learnt of being in a joint family and the relations revolving around it..
In life, for this generation, the concept of joint family is something that they ll learn from social studies books. Full generations of people have been living independently and independence is something that we have enjoyed. Now when I tell my story, it is bound to be from my viewpoint and my dear readers can interpret in the way they wish to.
Living in joint family for us meant primarily obeying what elders in the family said. This obeying would mean that we are completely submissive to their whims and fancies and the way they used to treat me or my parents would be something more of “I am the king, you are my subject, listen to me”. Now my Dad being the youngest son of my grandparents, and my grandfather being a busy person could only convey to his youngest son, “Listen to your brothers, and do as they tell you”. The brothers looked after him really well, took care of his needs and made him a rich person by allowing him to join the business. He is successful today in terms of the wealth he created, but today sadly we feel we are a “subject” to some king, in this case my dad’s brothers. Now when I look back, I realize the importance of the Civil Disobedience movement initiated by Mahatma Gandhi. Disobedience so that we could be free in this world.  

Lesson One: Obeying is good, not in always. In a family, everyone has or should have the right to speak up, and they should do so at an early age.

Business of the family and family business are two separate things in life. While my dad was involved in a successful business that he used to run with his elder brothers, many a times his relationship with his brothers was purely business like, so was the approach from the other side. Some were the brothers lost their plot and any relationship that existed was purely business. But inside the family the cousins were and are the best of the buddies and the camaraderie that exists between the cousins is good. This should continue. Relations should not be made because of common goals alone of continuing in business. This is wrong. The 3 brothers made a mistake of losing their identity of being brothers and selfishness and ego’s crept in and business got affected. But thanks to some good efforts from the children (cousins), the family ties continue to be strong as steel.

Lesson Two: Relations between families and blood relatives is pure, it’s not to be contaminated with money, selfishness and ego’s. We should strive for it.

We have respect for to our teachers, our bosses, our parents. In my observance there are two types of respects. Passive & Active Respect. Passive respect comes from ones position that one holds. For example we have respect for our teachers. But the respect continues after we long leave school and college, this is earned respect or active respect. In family too, these respects exists. As I was saying in the beginning, obeying would not necessarily mean, giving respect. That is passive respect. The situation in my family today is that, a person elder to you would mean, every one should show him respect. While he himself should come down and earn others respect. This is not happening in my family and am sure this situation is there in many families too. A simple incidence comes to my mind. Recently a common function was being hosted in the family, which was long before planned for which my parents were invited for early morning function just the previous night at 10 pm.  Respecting individualities and giving value to the other person would make things far better.  

Lesson Three: Give respect, take respect.  

In my family people take each other for granted. All this again comes from the supremacy factor. Recently I had an argument with one of my cousins. He started a chat with me to tell me that he was “angry” because I dint call him on one occasion, while forgetting that I had called him many times on ISD too. Well just because I called him, it does not mean that I was expecting his call. This is what we do with our relations, we take people for granted.

Lesson Four: Never take people for granted. In a joint family this factor exists and we need to remove this, because everyday all the people are not the same.

Love, love unconditionally, love without expectations. Sadly this is not there in my family. I have no idea, but all I can say is that, I love all of you, which makes me write this. If not today, am sure my future will be better with this realization.